Kontroll Aksesi & Kohemates
Këto pajisje kufizojnë hyrjet dhe daljet nëpërmjet teknologjive inteligjente si përdorimi i një karte identifikuese ose tipareve biometrike duke parandaluar personat e pa autorizuar. Time Attendance është teknologji e cila vërteton prezencën në punë dhe bën të mundur llogaritjen e orëve duke u integruar në sistemin e pagave.
Magic Pass 20.656 ID
Fingerprint Capacity - 6000 Card Capacity - 6000 Display - 2.4 TFT screen Log Capacity - 160.000 Communication - TCP-IP/USB Memory Disk Wiegand Signal - In & Out Relay Output - Yes Internal Battery - Yes
Magic Pass 20.657 ID
Fingerprint Reader: Dual ZEM x810 Fingerprint Capacity - 6000 Card Capacity - 6000 Display - 2.4 TFT screen Log Capacity - 150.000 Communication - TCP-IP/USB Memory Disk Wiegand Signal - In & Out Relay Output - Yes Internal Battery - Yes
Magic Pass 22.000 ID
Fingerprint Capacity - 30000 Card Capacity - 30000 Display - 4.3 TFT screen Log Capacity - 300.000 Communication - TCP-IP/USB Memory/ WiFi Wiegand Signal - In & Out Relay Output - Yes Internal Battery - Yes
MAGIC VEIN X1 Vein Recognition Device
Display 4.3” capacitive touch screen Vein Recognition Capacity - 3.000 Fingerprint Reading Capacity - 10.000 Password Capacity - 2.000 Password Card Capacity - 2.000 Card Reading Log Capacity - 200.000 Log Wi-Fi Feature - WIFI Connection is available Transition Types - Vein Recognition, Fingerprint, Card, Password Speed Under 0.5 seconds.
The ZKTeco SBTL5000 single lane swing barrier turnstile is an elegant high performance entrance control system designed for high-traffic volume.
TS5000A is an automatic tripod turnstile series designed for smooth and silent operation and consumes very little power. It is made of stainless steel that offers high durability.
TS2000 is a single-lane tripod turnstile series designed for smooth and silent operation and draws very little power. It’s made of stainless steel which makes TS2000 highly durable. TS2000 is also surprisingly compact and designed to operate in small workspaces.
The S1000 is a 4.3-inch touch screen Time Attendance Terminal with elegant design and professional surface treatment. This device is able to support Wi-Fi, GPRS, 3G, and features 20000 fingerprints capacity, especially applicable for some projects’ time attendance.